Open Compute Open Vault Knox Unit Drive Identification
Trying to find a failed drive that does not have a red light on it can be quite challenging with the Open Vault Knox Unit(s) since the drives/slots are not labeled. After looking around the interweb’s...
View ArticleOpen Compute Windmill + Open Compute Open Vault hangs at booting from local...
Working through installing CentOS 6.4, ESXi and others, I started running into issues where the systems would run their PXE installations just fine, then end up hanging at booting from local disk...
View ArticleStatic drive mapping using Open Compute Windmill with CentOS 6.4 and the Open...
In my previous post about Installing CentOS on the Open Compute Windmill servers, all of the testing was done and completed without using the OCP Knox Unit. Once connected, it routinely caused drive...
View ArticleVMware vSAN on Open Compute
As we all know, the largest cost component of virtualization is typically shared storage. Be it Fibre Channel, NAS or iSCSI, it’s all expensive! Let alone a flash based array like Tinri or Whiptail....
View ArticleInstalling GlusterFS on RHEL 6.4 for OpenStack Havana (RDO)
The OpenCompute systems are the the ideal hardware platform for distributed filesystems. Period. Why? Cheap servers with 10GB NIC’s and a boatload of locally attached cheap storage! In preparation for...
View ArticleConfiguring OpenStack Havana Cinder, Nova and Glance to run on GlusterFS
Configuring Glace, Cinder and Nova for OpenStack Havana to run on GlusterFS is actually quite simple; assuming that you’ve already got GlusterFS up and running. So lets first look at my Gluster...
View ArticleOpenStack Havana – Fix for Unable to launch the instance due to “No valid...
When trying to launch a dual homed VM within OpenStack Havana, I would get an Error in the horizon interface. When looking in Nova, I would see the error below when running: nova show ‘instancename’...
View ArticleInstalling a active/passive MySQL database cluster for OpenStack Havana on...
Since RHEL 6.5 does not ship with an Active/Active version of MySQL, you’re limited to using an Active/Passive configuration out of the box. There are other alternate methods, however; this is the...
View ArticleMicrosoft announces their support and contribution to the OpenCompute project
On the brink of Open Compute Project Summit 2040 (OCP Summit V) starting tomorrow morning, Microsoft today announced the contribution of their cloud server designs to the Open Compute Project....
View ArticleUsing haproxy as a load balancer for OpenStack services on RedHat OpenStack
Configuring RedHat OpenStack to be highly available is not like VMware where you just enable a couple features, check some boxes and voila! Quite the contrary… In fact; configuring RedHat OpenStack to...
View ArticlevCloud Automation Center 6.0 Installation fails with error code 1603 – Fix
So during my IAAS installation of vCloud Automation Center 6.0 (vCAC), I was getting the error during the installation saying: VCAC Server Setup Installation Failed, ExitCode:1603 After digging and...
View ArticleOpenStack cloud-init cannot contact or ping to establish...
Using OpenStack Open vSwitch with VLAN’s removes a lot of the trickery involved with using public and private IP’s. That way each VM gets it’s own real IP address assigned to it. In this case, our...
View ArticleHow do you operationalize OpenStack?
So after “living with OpenStack” for a couple months now, I’ve been taking notes and such, figured I’d share them. This view is from a managed services environment, but an enterprise view would be ok...
View ArticlevBeers Columbus, OH (Wednesday, March 26th 2014)
Join us for the next Columbus vBeers. This will be a non-sponsored event so bring your wallet, your sense of humor and get ready for some great IT and virtualization conversations with some of the best...
View ArticlevBeers – Columbus, OH (Tuesday, May 6th 2014)
This will be a Citrix sponsored event! Please join us for the our first vBeers event at the World of Beer located at Easton Town Center and encourage your IT colleagues to attend as well. Join us for...
View ArticleCisco PowerTool Contest helps popularize UCS scripting
Cisco has launched a UCS PowerTool Scriptng Contest, highlighting scripts by the UCS community members, then picking the “top” community written script. This is a brilliant move by Cisco to help...
View ArticleSwype on your iPhone? Hopefully with iOS 8!
From reading the verge, it seems like Apple will finally allow third-party keyboards to be used within iOS 8! Something thats plagued us iPhone/iPad users since the beginning of time. Myself, I sure...
View ArticleFinding orphaned VMDK’s using PowerCLI
Here is a PowerCLI script I use to find all orphaned VMDK’s in my vCenter environment. $arrayVC = "virtualcenter2" Foreach ($strVC in $arrayVC) { Connect-VIServer $strVC $arrUsedDisks = Get-VM |...
View ArticleMicrosoft announces their support and contribution to the OpenCompute project
On the brink of Open Compute Project Summit 2040 (OCP Summit V) starting tomorrow morning, Microsoft today announced the contribution of their cloud server designs to the Open Compute Project....
View ArticleUsing haproxy as a load balancer for OpenStack services on RedHat OpenStack
Configuring RedHat OpenStack to be highly available is not like VMware where you just enable a couple features, check some boxes and voila! Quite the contrary… In fact; configuring RedHat OpenStack to...
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